Menu of the week

I have changed the format of my menus and will stick to publish our weekday menus, I think those are the days when people most often are looking for inspiration. The days when you are short on time and want dinner to be done in less than 30 minutes.

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Menu and Midsummer

This past Friday June 24 was one of the biggest holiday of the year in Sweden, It was Midsummer. It is one of my favorite holiday. You celebrate that the Summer is here and there are a lot of traditions surrounding it. Here is a video that describes it in a very entertaining way.

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Weekly menu and weekend of food

This was a weekend of good food and celebrations.

Friday me and the kids went to a carnival with a friend and her daughter. To fill up our bellies on non carnival food we went to an Asian restaurant and had a quick dinner. I had pad Thai with chicken which is always tasty.

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